Release Week Blitz – The Song of the Wild Geese







Terue. The girl who was plucked from obscurity to become the most sought after geisha in Edo’s Floating World. The geisha who was so beautiful and talented that one of the richest nobles in Japan desired her as his wife.


But Terue wanted more from life, and was willing to risk everything to get it. Pregnant with her lover’s child and knowing that the disgrace would mean certain death for both her and her unborn child, Terue makes the devastating choice to flee Japan on the day her daughter – Kazhua, The Geisha with the Green Eyes – was born and changes both their destinies forever.



About the Book:



The Song of the Wild Geese by India Millar

Series: The Geisha Who Ran Away Book One

Genre: Adult, Historical Romance

Publisher: Red Empress Publishing

Publication Date: January 8, 2018



Purchase Your Copy Today!




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Blitz Wide Giveaway!


To celebrate the release of THE SONG OF THE WILD GEESE by India Millar, we’re giving away a $25 Amazon gift card to one lucky winner!

GIVEAWAY TERMS & CONDITIONS:  Open internationally. One winner will receive a $25 Amazon gift card. This giveaway is administered by Pure Textuality PR on behalf of Red Empress Publishing.  Giveaway ends 1/11/2019 @ 11:59pm EST. Limit one entry per reader. Duplicates will be deleted.  CLICK HERE TO ENTER!





About India Millar:


INDIA MILLAR started her career in heavy industry at British Gas and ended it in the rarefied atmosphere of the British Library. She now lives on Spain’s glorious Costa Blanca North in an entirely male dominated household comprised of her husband, a dog, and a cat. In addition to historical romances, India also writes popular guides to living in Spain under a different name. Her Romance Noir series is highlighted on her website.


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Blog Tour # 3 – Their Reluctant Bride



Their Reluctant Bride
Book 6
Bridgewater Ménage Series

Genre: Historical Western Erotic
Word count: 35,000



Emily Woodhouse is a penniless, homeless widow thanks to her recently deceased husband. His gambling ways have placed her in a desperate situation. Faced with working off his debt in the basest of ways, she chooses instead to accept Tyler and Xander’s unconventional marriage proposal. She won’t be marrying one man, but two.


Tyler and Xander know instantly that Emily is the one for them. Not only does the widowed young woman rouse their protective natures, she knows of their customs regarding a two husband marriage. Despite the fact that Emily needs the safety they can offer, she isn’t eager to remarry. She might be reluctant, but they will show her what it will be like with two men to cherish, protect and possess her.


But the past catches up with them in the most dangerous of ways. Only in facing the past can they forge a future together.






Xander looked at me for one short moment, then lowered himself to his knees and began lifting up the long hem of my dress.

I tried to swat his hands away, but he was not to be deterred.

“What are you doing?” I squeaked. It was one thing to agree to marry and… fuck them, but it was another to do it right now.

“I’m going to show you how it’s going to be between us,”

“Yes, but why are you on your knees? Shouldn’t we be in bed? It’s not dark out,” I stammered, my palms pressing against the wood of the door.

He look-ed up at me and grinned. His teeth were white compared to his tanned skin and dark beard.

“You are a little reluctant after all.”

All of a sudden I was very reluctant.

“Don’t worry, baby, he’s going to make you feel good,” Mr. Tyler said, his voice a smooth timbre. He moved closer. Backed against the door, one man at my feet and the other just beside me, I had nowhere to go.


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Kobo- **To come**







Vanessa Vale bio:
USA Today Bestselling author


Who doesn’t love the romance of the old West? Vanessa Vale takes the sensual appeal of rugged cowboys a step further with her bestselling books set in the Montana Territory. They are much more than just sexy historical westerns. They’re deliciously naughty reads that sometimes push the boundaries of fantasy. It’s pure escapism with quite a few very hot, very alpha cowboys.


When she’s not writing, Vanessa savors the insanity of raising two boys, is figuring out how many meals she can make with a pressure cooker, and teaches a pretty mean karate class. She considers herself to be remarkably normal, exceedingly introverted and fairly vanilla, which does not explain her steamy stories and her fascination with cowboys, preferably more than one at a time.


She lives in the Wild Wild West where there’s an endless source of ‘research’ material.



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Blog Tour – Less Than A Lady


Title: Less Than a Lady

Author: Eva Devon
Genre: Historical, Historical Romance
Length: 292 pages
ISBN: 978-1-63375-537-6
Release Date: December 28, 2015
Imprint: Select Historical




To win a lord, you can’t be a lady…

Darcy Blake, Earl of Chase, is a solider, rogue, and a loyal King’s man. Commanded to spy on the luscious actress Amelia Fox, Darcy must pretend to be her student for a court theatrical. He is certain he can school her in the art of seduction while discovering if she is a traitor. But to his shock, he finds Mrs. Fox teaching him an entirely different kind of lesson.
As London’s most popular actress, Amelia is famous at court, and she doesn’t have a husband to tell her what do. Unfortunately, the king has ordered her to train the rakehell, Lord Chase to act for the court. Before long, the Earl is driving her wild with desire and awakening her heart to love. As an actress, society dictates she can never be more than Lord Chase’s mistress, and Amelia has vowed never to be less than a lady.

When Darcy learns the witty actress is indeed linked to a traitor, he’ll have to decide if love or loyalty will rule the day.






She quickly broke their gaze, tucked the necklace into a pocket, then fiddled with the pistol in her other hand. Frowning, she eyed the small barrel. “You know, I don’t believe it’s even primed.”


“Let’s not find out.” Darcy crossed to her quickly and slipped it from her grasp. Their gloved fingers barely caressed, but she tensed at their contact. Well, well, she was as entranced by him as he her.


Tucking the pistol into his breeches, he looked down at her.


Once again she smiled, her eyes crinkling with confusion. “You, sir, are staring.” She lifted her hands and patted her face and hair. “Am I mussed?”


Mussed? Her hair was a bit tousled and her cheeks glowed. “You were not frightened at all?” he asked, surprised by his own curiosity.


She blinked. “I’d have to have been a fool, and I should like to think I am not, to not have felt some alarm.” She shrugged, her breasts pressing tightly together. “But one must expect such things this late in the park.”


“Very brave and practical of you,” he said softly. Darcy was having trouble not letting his eyes wander to her breasts and so he focused on her mouth… Which seemed to be as equally dangerous, because now he was considering how it might feel beneath his.


“My servants—”


“Are unharmed and we shall tend to them but first.”


“Do you wish repayment?”


He didn’t reply immediately and the silence between them grew, slowly, crackling with awareness. She looked up at him, her own glance flicking to his lips.


He smiled hungrily at her. “I have an idea. Perhaps a kiss?”






USA TODAY BESTSELLING AUTHOR, Eva Devon, was raised on literary fiction, but quite accidentally and thankfully, she was introduced to romance one Christmas by Johanna Lindsey’s Mallory novella, The Present. A romance addict was born.
She devoured every single Lindsey novel within a few months and moved on to contemporary and paranormal with gusto. Now, she loves to write her own roguish dukes, alpha males and the heroines who tame them. She loves to hear from her readers.



Author Links:



Release Day – Less Than A Lady


Book Details  
Author Name: Eva Devon
Publisher: Entangled: Select Historical
Genre: Historical Romance
Publication Date: Dec. 28, 2015
Pages: 231
Purchase Links:
Rafflecopter: We’re hosting a Rafflecopter from Dec. 27 to Jan. 18 for a $25 Amazon gift card.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


USATODAY BESTSELLING AUTHOR, Eva Devon, was raised on literary fiction, but quite accidentally and thankfully, she was introduced to romance one Christmas by Johanna Lindsey’s Mallory novella, The Present. A romance addict was born. She devoured every single Lindsey novel within a few months and moved on to contemporary and paranormal with gusto. Now, she loves to write her own roguish dukes, alpha males and the heroines who tame them.