Accolades & Affiliations

Kitty’s Book Spot! originated on Booklikes, and now has several mirror site locations, including this one.  Doing the reviews, as well as the blog since 2014, I have been a proofreader, beta-reader, and author of my own work as well.

It is my honor to work with so many authors, personal assistants, publishers, promotional companies, blog tour companies, web sites & more!

Below is a list of the accolades, affiliations, and awards given in the time since I have begun.  If you have questions, feel free to PM to me on Facebook or Twitter.  Thank you for your interest in Kitty’s Book Spot!


I tour(ed) with:

button_basic bmbb-button bookunleahed_blogbutton chapter-by-chapter-blog-tour-button drc-promotions-revised-1-2015-crop

enticing-journey-profile  indiesageprblogger inkslinger-pr-blogger-banner-new

joisa-sticky mtwlogo_final_noribbon_small rsprlogo

cropped-ssfprlogo3  spromo-rs-blog-button-v2  tasty-book-tours-host-button  hype-pr-png

killiongroup_bloggerbutton    trsorbutton  buttonxbt  ya-bounk-tour-button  logo for booktour-color-cream

gcp  enchantress-design-promo-button-square-grab-button-with-border-gold-200  sizzlingpr  bebutton

puyb  givemebooksbutton  hbg-h

fylogo3  choosyhd2-100x1001  readinginsarahscornerbutton2

obbbutt  tnsprbutton  smp  lwoodspr

bbbpr  lovebound-promotions-logo  ep

Roses & Thorns Publishing, End Solutions, Inc., & more.


My reviews are at:


Professional Reader Reviews Published 2015 Challenge Participant 80% 2016 NetGalley Challenge 200 Book Reviews badge_auto_approvals_120





Reading Alley



Publishers I work with:


ep  dsp  hbg-h  gcp  fylogo3

smp  ssbutton  pocketbooks-logo

& many more…